Thursday, January 6, 2011

8 Tips to Stop Snoring

We've all heard the snoring, either ourselves or someone else. Having heard the rumors we've all probably wanted to know how to prevent snoring. Here are some tips to help alleviate and / or stop the problem.


Now they are mild and severe cases of snoring. Mild snoring that is not related to sleep apnea usually responds well to home remedies. Sleep apnea is more serious and something you should consider seeing a doctor about. The following tips in general work well for mild cases. The last tip below has been known to help even severe cases.

The reason for snoring

Our breathing airways in the nose and throat are what we will not only stay alive but produce snoring. When these airways become smaller air passing through is more difficult to travel. Air resistance is the fabric of our airways. This resistance causes the vibrations we call snoring. The more tissue or more loose tissue most likely to snore. That's a pretty simple concept. The prevention of snoring can be a challenge.

Tips to prevent snoring

1. Well, not everyone likes to know that one way to improve our snoring problem is to improve our level of fitness. The reality is that less fat will have more space in our airways. This translates into better sleep. There are plenty of other benefits to improve our diet and exercise.

2. If you smoke or are around a lot of secondhand smoke, reduce or eliminate the smoke from your environment will help keep the airways clean.

3. Lower back. Yes, if I have not tried it yet, sleep on your side instead of your back. Sleeping on your back makes it easier for the tissue and the tongue from sliding backwards obstructing the airway. If you are not a serious snorer this can prevent snoring. If you have trouble staying on you then you can try sewing a pocket in the back of a shirt and put a couple of tennis balls inside. This will result in an uncomfortable sensation when lying flat. After a while it's out of the habit of sleeping on his back. This solution can entirely prevent snoring in mild cases.

4. Try sleeping without a pillow. Sometimes the pillow block your airway by bending the neck to make it more difficult to breathe.

5. Raise your bed. Do what? Yes, raise the head of your bed about 4 inches can help the cause of his tongue and jaw to fall forward. Moving the jaw and tongue forward helps open the airway.
How to raise your bed? One way is to place a rolled towel under the head of your bed so that the entire mattress is raised at the head of your bed. You could also see putting wooden blocks under the bed frame feet. Some people say that simply raising the bed like this for you to sleep at an angle that makes a total of rest has improved a lot at night.

6. Reduce or stop consumption of alcohol in the evening. Why? Well, alcohol is a muscle relaxant that can cause the muscles in the airways to relax. The relaxation of the muscles in the airways is not how to prevent snoring! The aim is to open the airway.

7. Avoid fatty foods of milk before bedtime. These foods tend to produce accumulations of mucus in the throat. This will tend to reduce via air must enter and increase the likelihood of snoring.

8. special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the throat can end snoring problems even serious. Using simple exercises for the muscles of the airway has helped many people tone and tighten the tissue in the airways. Thousands of people have learned how to prevent snoring with simple exercises.

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