Monday, January 7, 2013

Easy Ways of Network Marketing

Do you happen to be shy, or introverted? If this sounds like you, it doesn't mean that you can't have a job in network marketing. Yes, sales and networking do take a lot of face to face contact with people, but this doesn't mean you can't have the conversation on your terms. There are many ways that introverts can get people to listen and talk to them without being scared of having to be in a social situation.

The first thing you need to do is to figure out what the best medium for communication is for you. Thanks to the Internet, it is easy to build up a relationship with someone before even meeting face to face. Find people on Twitter or Facebook and start contacting potential clients that way. Have a blog or website that people can visit and communicate with you that way.

Introverts tend to not like to be in groups of people, but they love to be in groups of 2 or 3. Try having one on one meetings with your clients, or have meetings in smaller groups. Take your clients out to lunch or to the ballgame to have a casual place where you can talk business without feeling intimidated.

Fake it until you make it is a good saying for these situations. Just go out there and pretend that you are being upbeat until you fool yourself into thinking that you aren't doing such a bad job at it. Who cares if you are trembling on the inside, just plaster a big ol' smile on your face and go up to people. Don't worry about what you look or feel like, just make sure that you come off as enthusiastic to your client.

Try to avoid phone calls if you can. For whatever reason it is hard for introverts to talk on the phone. Face to face is good, writing is typically a good way to communicate, but talking on the phone is deadly. If you can, just type messages on your BlackBerry or keep your Twitter page updated as much as possible to keep clients and potential clients updated on what you are up to.

Introverts tend to not like social groups, but they can still win in the marketing game. All it takes is a a little finesse and some grit and they will make it in the network marketing world just fine. Stick to what wins for you and mask your flaws as best you can. That is a winning formula for just about everyone.

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